Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Stove & Spanking Story?

We've found another Stephen Crane Christmas story for you this year. It's a Whilomville tale called "The Stove," first published in Harper's, April 1900. The "angel child" and her parents come to visit Jimmie Trescott and family for the Christmas holiday. The girl brings along her prized toy; a working mini-stove, and we're talking cast-iron, not a lightbulb-powered Easy Bake Oven!

Mrs. Trescott puts on a ladies' tea party along with the angel child's mother, but the kids do something to spice up the party, until Dr. Trescott takes things in a different direction with this: "You've hurt her, have you? Well, hurt her again. Spank her!" he cried, enthusiastically. "Spank her, confound you, man! She needs it. Here's your chance. Spank her, and spank her good. Spank her!"

Hard to believe such things are mentioned in a Crane story, is it? Well guess again, and read the tale for yourself. And remember, anything can happen at Christmas time!

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