Saturday, November 1, 2008

Come Worship Stephen Crane With Me!

Hello men! And what was that other one....oh yeah, women! Welcome all to The Red Blog of Courage! My name is Patrick and i'm the member of the near non-existent group, the Crane Crusaders, aka Mainly though i'm just a regular guy who discovered Stephen Crane's writing in the sixth grade, and i haven't been the same since!

I get so many nice emails from readers of the Crane Crusaders site that i thought it would be fun to have an interactive aspect. So yeah...a blog. Original i know, but this could very well be the first full-time dedicated pure form Google spied Stephen Crane blog in existence. As the late Anna Nicole Smith once said, about me, "He's freeeekin genius!" Ok maybe she was talking about someone else, can anyone say for sure?

I do know my chief rivals in Crane worship, the ahem Stephen Crane Society, have had a Question & Answer forum going on for years. I enjoy reading that! The students section is mostly kids wanting Dr. Wertheim to do their homework for them, which is actually a pretty good idea. I mean he is actually smart and learned and all, and knows what he's talking about (unlike me). However this blog isn't about Q & A, it's about issues & tidbits related to our hero Stephen Crane.

So drop a comment below & say hi, as i Hulk myself up for some Crane Mania!

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