Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Stephen Crane!

When you read this it is likely our hero Stephen Crane will have celebrated another birthday. November 1, 1871 happened 138 years ago, so Crane would have been long in the tooth today. To read more about his life, stroll through this blog, the Stephen Crane Society website, or the Crane wikipedia entry in the links on the left.

November 1 also marks the one-year anniversary of this blog. Two Stephen Crane related posts per month for a total of, um, 25 posts. In 2008 we weren't so good with math, so we made one extra post. If you want to reminisce, check out our very first post:

Looking back at the Crane calendar year, we've covered a Blue Hotel play and music cd, a bunch of memorabilia including the Lanthorn book, and we've looked at enough Crane stories to get us through the year. Check out the blog archives if you missed anything.

2010 will see this blog rolling along to more Crane glory! We are always seeking guest comments and posts, so chip in and help this blog grow. Also in 2010 we will be making a major announcement that is gonna surprise the stuffing out of a lot of people in Crane Land. So look to that and much more, after you properly celebrate Stephen Crane's birthday.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Spooky Stephen Crane

Looking at the calendar we are now less than two weeks away from Stephen Crane's birthday. What a glorious day that will be! November 1st also marks the one-year anniversary of this blog. That's right, one full year of celebrating Stephen Crane online nonstop, and we didn't even break a sweat.

Before Crane's birthday we have to endure this thing called Halloween, a time to dress up and pretend, while encouraging little kids to run around bothering strangers for candy. Since we can't fully hide from this day, we can at least taste it with a touch of style, in this case consuming a spooky article by the master.

Crane wasn't known for tales of terror, as Poe was, yet this little piece from an Asbury Park newspaper puts the chill in us with Crane's unmistakable pen knitting visions of a lonesome spectral indian & a ghostly shipwrecked dog, among others.
